See our recommended suggestions below. Please remember, try to follow to the best of your ability and not to overthink and stress yourself out if you can’t. The main thing is to enjoy and make most of the celebrations with the loved ones around you.

  • Avoid all water contact to any area of skin where henna has been applied for a minimum of 24 hours after paste removal.

    Sometimes the sugar sealant Krunal has applied begins to re-crystalise on the skin. making your skin look dry and flaky. DO NOT BE ALARMED you can make some simple syrup ( water and sugar ) and apply it to disolve the sugar should it start to get too itchy.

    Keep warm during the application and after paste removal to optimise stain results.

    Keep your skin moisturised after paste removal to prevent dry skin so to not damage your stain

    Do not exfoliate any skin where henna has been applied to.

  • Apply a generous layer of coconut, olive, mustard or any other oil around your house to any area of skin where henna and sealant has been applied.

    Let the oil soak for 5-10 mins to remove the stickiness from the sealant.

    Proceed to scrape off the henna with a blunt edge such as a spoon, butter knife, credit card.

    Pat any excess oil dry.


  • It is suggested having the Mangala Snanam 24 hours after your henna paste removal

    Apply a thick emollient lotion on any area of skin where henna has been applied to act as a water barrier.

    Wear gloves when bathing along with your lotion barrier

    It is suggested to wash yourself the next day with a hospital bath meaning using a soapy flannel and some water to clean yourself. Avoid showering, having a bath to avoid ruining your stains. This method of bathing controls the water to avoid any water seeping into your gloves etc.

    Wear gloves for the first 24 hours when you’re using the bathroom to minimise washing your hands, after 24 hours you can wash as normal.

    Avoid washing your hair and book a wash and blowdry at your local salon or home visit if you can. Alternatively have a family member wash your hair for you at home.

    Should you need to wash your hair yourself please do so with extreame. caustion and use only nails or a scalp scrubbing tool to was the product out of your hair. As when massaging shampoo and conditioner with gloves on the rigorous action is also wearing away at the skin under the gloves which will fade your mehndi prematurely. Remember to be gentle on with your hands to minimise skin abrasion.

    Please see image as to what can happen when washing your own hair with no aid :

  • No form of hair removal is recommended once henna has been applied to an area of skin. All forms ( shaving, hair removal creams, epilators, laser, waxing and others ) of hair removal techniques are abrasive to the skin demising your henna stain

  • Should you be in a field of work where you are constantly washing your hands, please avoid to do so and continually change gloves. Should you be in the medical field, please refer to your work guide on health and hygiene policy/ speak to seniors to best minimise water contact.

    Please make sure in between glove changes you air out your hands! remember we don't want a buildup of moisture as this will ruin stains. So please be vigilant about this to optimise your stains.

  • The henna to be taken off once you have arrived at your hotel ( please see ‘HOW TO REMOVE’ ).

    When travelling through the airport you are to not handle any luggage, please get a member of family to aid you in this.

    Throughout the course of the celebrations use gloves for going to the bathroom etc to minimise washing your hands as much as you can as we need the stains to last till the wedding day.

    No pools till after the wedding.

    Please open subheadings applicable to your celebrations and follow instructions to the best of your ability.

  • Have a towel at hand to wipe any excess moisture or droplets from your hand as the priest instructs you to hold, pour, or drink holy liquids give in your hand during the pooja.

    Apply a thin layer of vaseline on skin to act as a barrier beforehand.

  • Have the person who is putting on your choora pat dry the bangles after being dipped in milk.

    Its ok for some drops to be on the skin but ensure to not have soaking wet bangles being applied.

    Apply a thin layer of vaseline to act as a barrier beforehand.

  • It's not recommended to apply haldi to any areas where henna has been applied.

    As a deterrent, keep the mehndi on your hands until after the haldi to minimise people applying haldi to any areas where there is mehndi. As people don't want to be responsible for ruining something for the bride in the lead up to the wedding if they still see mehndi on your hands it usually scares them into behaving.

    To exfoliate and remove the yellow staining on arm/ body/ legs, have someone assist in scrubbing. Exfoliating yourself will be abrasive to the henna stain even with gloves.

    Have someone wash your hair for you or book yourself in for a wash and blow dry.

  • Krunal Tailor Henna Artist’s 100% Organic Natural Henna Powder 


    Essential oils – Lavender, Cajaput, Orchid Noir, Cuban Tobbaco

    Rose water

  • Swimming pools demise your henna stains due to the chlorine within the water.

    If lifting weights / a frequent gym goer, consider any days once henna has been applied to your wedding as rest days. Sweat moisture and skin stress are detrimental to your stain.

    Avoid cooking or cleaning any days once henna has been applied till your wedding.

    Henna is a natural sunblock, blocking 100% sunrays. therefore, if you are going to a tropical climate for your honeymoon, ensure to pack sunscreen with you. This is to minimise a reverse tan where once your henna has faded youll be left with patches of paler new skin.